Rent the Community Center
The Town of Branchville Community Center, formerly known as the Senior Citizen Center, is at 7647 Freedom Road, across the street from Town Hall. It is available for rent. You are welcome to stop by the Town Hall during business hours and ask to "check it out" to see if it will meet your needs.
It has a meeting area, a kitchen area and two restrooms. There are 30 metal folding chairs and 11 tables that can accommodate up to six people each. The kitchen has a stove/oven, a microwave oven and a refrigerator/freezer that are available for renters' use as long as the appliances are in working order; however, the appliances are aging and the Town makes no guarantees as to their condition or usability.
Terms of use
The Community Center will be reserved for you or your group for a specified day upon the Town Hall’s receipt of a completed rental agreement request accompanied by a $100.00 Rental Fee and $100.00 Deposit. No reservations are final until payment is received -- first come, first served.
We can accept cash, personal check, bank cashier's check or money order. (Sorry, we cannot accept credit cards or any kind of online payments or pay-by-phone at this time.) The Town may keep your Rental Fee if you cancel your reservation within 5 days of the reserved date.
The key must be picked up at the Town Hall no later than 4 p.m. on the work day before the reserved date. The key must be returned to the Town Hall before 12 noon on the first workday after the reserved date or the deposit will not be returned. No exceptions.
At the time the key is returned, a Town employee will check the center to see if all of the conditions listed below are met. If so, the entire deposit will be returned. Otherwise, the Town reserves the right to keep all or part of the deposit. The deposit will be returned to you in the form of a check roughly a week after your event. Please specify if you wish to pick up your refund, or have it mailed to you.
Tables ...
Checklist to qualify for return of deposit:
Kitchen - Sink and counters cleaned. Refrigerator cleaned. Floor swept and mopped.
Bathroom - Toilet and sink cleaned. Floor swept. Trash can emptied.
Conference room - Tables and chairs cleaned. Floor swept. Lights off, heat and AC off.
Trash cans outside are to remain close to the back of the building.
1. All garbage, trash, etc., is to be removed from the building and placed in the trash cans outside as part of the cleanup requirements.
2. Rentals are for one day only -- not a full weekend -- unless other arrangements have been made in advance. The Community Center must be cleaned up by the end of that day unless other arrangements have been made in advance. A renter will forfeit his/her deposit if the Community Center is not clean and ready for the next renter, even if the next renter is using the facility the very next day.
3. The Town will allow two individuals/groups to rent the Community Center on the same day as long as the renters agree among themselves on a division of the hours they will use the facility (e.g. one in the morning and another in the evening) and the cleanup requirements are met.
Click below for the Community Center Rental Form: