The Town of Branchville, South Carolina is governed by a Mayor and six Council members who are elected at-large to staggered four-year terms. Non-partisan municipal elections are held on the first Tuesday after the first Monday of November in odd-numbered years.
The Town Council regularly meets at 6 p.m. on the second Monday of each month in Council chambers at the Town Hall, 7644 Freedom Road, Branchville, SC 29432. Special meetings are called as necessary.
All Council meetings are open to the public, although portions may be closed to the public for specific reasons. The South Carolina Freedom of Information Act (PDF) stipulates how meetings are to be announced and conducted.
Meeting notices and minutes are posted at Town Hall and on the "Meetings" page of this website: Click on the tab directly under the "Governance" heading in the green bar above. Meeting notices are also provided to The Times and Democrat newspaper with requests for publication in the Community Datebook column.
Council meetings ordinarily include a designated time for citizens to make brief, relevant comments. Anyone who wishes to make a detailed presentation at a Council meeting, or who provides hand-outs or other materials to be delivered to Council members in advance of the meeting, is requested to contact the Town Clerk at least six business days before the meeting.