Town of Branchville
Water Works Department
7644 Freedom Road -- P.O. Box 85
Branchville, South Carolina 29432
(803) 274-8820
8 AM to 5 PM weekdays
Water and wastewater
The Town of Branchville is pleased to provide utility services to more than 500 residential, commercial and industrial customers. Water service is available both within the Town limits and in certain areas outside the Town boundaries. Wastewater and garbage collection services are available to properties within the Town limits.
Here is a link to the Application for Utility Service. There is a $50 fee to establish an account at a location that already has a tap in place. If the location has never had service before, additional installation fees apply. Contact the Town Hall for an evaluation of your individual circumstances.
The town is responsible for providing fresh, clean water up to each customer's meter.
The customer is responsible for:
- Maintaining the water line from the meter to the structure being served.
- For customers with wastewater service, maintaining the lateral sewer line from the structure being served to the main collector line.
- Paying for the water that goes through the meter.
- Written appeal to dispute the amount of a water bill. Here is a link to the appeal form (PDF).
- Residential water service within city limits is $39.14 a month for up to 2,000 gallons, plus $6.60 per additional 1,000 gallons or fraction thereof.
- Residential water service outside city limits is $49.44 a month for up to 2,000 gallons, plus $7.60 per additional 1,000 gallons or a fraction thereof
- Commercial water service within city limits is $51.50 a month for up to 2,000 gallons, plus $7.60 per additional 1,000 gallons or fraction thereof.
- Commercial water service outside city limits is $63.86 a month for up to 2,000 gallons, plus $8.60 per additional 1,000 gallons or a fraction thereof
- Industrial water service within city limits is $63.86 a month for up to 2,000 gallons, plus $9.60 per additional 1,000 gallons or fraction thereof.
- Industrial water service outside city limits is $74.16 a month for up to 2,000 gallons, plus $10.60 per additional 1,000 gallons or a fraction thereof
- Sewer service is $22.00 a month for up to 2,000 gallons, plus $6.50 per additional 1,000 gallons or fraction thereof.
- In-town customers may add weekly garbage collection service for $12.00 a month.
View the updated Water/Sewer Rate Ordinance here.
Payment options
- cash
- cashier's check
- check
- credit/debit cards
- money order
Low Income Household Water Assistance Program
The Town has signed up with the South Carolina Office of Economic Opportunity to participate in the Low Income Household Water Assistance Program, which is open to South Carolina residents needing assistance with their water bills. You can apply at
OCAB is the local administrator for the program, and can be contacted at (803) 536-1027.
Due dates
- Payment due date: 10th of each month.
- Penalty added on the 11th; 10% will be added to the remaining balance.
- Meters are read on or about the 18th.
- Bills are mailed on or about the 26th.
- Past Due amount is due before the 4th of the month, which is water turn off day.
(There will be a $25 reconnection fee. After hour reconnection fee will be $50.)
If the Town has disconnected water service for non-payment, it is against the law for anyone to turn it back on before payment is arranged. This is considered tampering with the water system and carries a maximum fine in excess of $1,000.00.
Utility policies are subject to change by the Town Council without notice.
Letter of Recommendation for upcoming work to Bridge St, Reeves Branch Road and Evans St, to be started in 2024
Advertisement for Bids for the Water System Improvement project: